The National Assembly of Vietnam passed an updated version of the Law on Competition on June 12, 2018. The new law governs merger control and anti-competitive activities in the Vietnam market and...

Vietnam’s new Law on Cybersecurity was finally adopted by the National Assembly on June 12, 2018, after more than a dozen drafts and wide debate in the business and government sectors. This...

Japanese patent law is based on the first-to-file principle and is mainly given force by the Patent Act. The administrative procedure for obtaining a patent in Japan is similar to that of most other...

On May 22, 2018, the government of Vietnam promulgated Decree No. 81/2018/ND-CP providing detailed regulations for the implementation of the Commercial Law for commercial enhancement activities...

The USPTO is reducing the official fee for filing a “Streamlined” Reexamination Request to lessen financial burdens for requester(s). This became effective beginning on January 16, 2018. If...