We have already informed you that the New Trademark Law has been enacted in Myanmar on 30 January 2019 and the trademark owners who registered their marks under current system, who intend to re-file under new trademark law to obtain the rights granted by new law, should prepare in advance to get ready when new trademark law is enforced.
Subsequently we received the response from many applicants providing data for their marks for the purpose of re-filing under new trademark law. We have well recorded the said data in our database and made necessary preparations to be ready to file once the new law is enforced.
In this connection please note that the said new trademark law will be enforced only at the time when all preparations are completed to be practically operative. Now it still needs to issue rules & regulations, to establish trademark office & IP Court and other preparations. We have the information that the Government institutions in national level are coordinating each other to speed up preparatory works to help sooner enforcement of new trademark law. In any case we expect that the new law will be enforced in the year 2020.
We will let you know the procedure, required documents and the costs for trademark filing as soon as we get the information.
Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will keep you informed of the progress in this matter.