- A request for grant of duplicates/ reissue of certificate of registration of an industrial property licensing contracts includes:
+ Declaration requesting grant of duplicates/ reissue of certificate of registration of an industrial property licensing contracts (according to form 03-PBVB/GCN Appendix C of Circular No. 01/2007/ TT-BKHCN);
+ Power of attorney (in case the request is filed through a representative);
+ A copy of the receipt of fees and charges as prescribed;
+ Other documents (if necessary).
- The time limit: IPVN shall examine the request for grant of duplicates/ reissue of certificate of registration of an industrial property licensing contracts within 01 month from the date of receipt of the request.
- Result: If that request satisfies the above requirements, the IPVN shall issue a decision on the grant of duplicate/ reissue of the certificate of registration of an industrial property licensing contract and publish it in the Industrial Property Gazette. If a request for duplicate/ reissue of a certificate of registration of an industrial property licensing contract fails to satisfy the requirements above, the IPVN shall issue a decision on its refusal to grant duplicates/ refusal to reissue the certificate of registration of an industrial property licensing contract.
Return the duplicated/ reissued certificate of registration of an industrial property licensing contract to the owner.
- Fees and charges:
+ Fee for publication of a decision on the grant of duplicate/ reissue of the certificate of registration of an industrial property licensing contract: VND 120,000/ 01 request;
+ Fee for recording a decision on the grant of duplicate/ reissue of the certificate of registration of an industrial property licensing contract into the National Register of Industrial Property: VND 120,000/ 01 protection title.
+ Public service fee (temporarily not calculated, will be collected when there are specific regulations).