We would like to update you on the implementation of the New Trademark Law in Myanmar as follows:  

(i) Effective date of the New Trademark Law is April 01, 2023

(ii) The second phase of the "Soft-Opening" period is EXPECTED to commence on April 03, 2023

In the second phase of the "Soft-Opening" period, only "Old trademarks" (that endorsed DOO under the Old Regime and/or actually used in the Myanmar market) are eligible to be registered.  

(iii) The "Grand-Opening" period is EXPECTED to be started on May 02, 2023. In this "Grand-Opening" period, new trademark applications could be filed.  

The Day 1 of the "Grand-Opening" period will be the filing date of the Old-trademarks that were filed during phase 1 and phase 2 of the "Soft-Opening" period.  

(iv) The official fees and guidance will be announced in March 2023.  

In conclusion, merely the effective date of the New Trademark Law was officially announced, and the other matters have NOT yet been officially announced. 

Besides, please be noted that the e-filing system is closing for maintenance now and will be back to work as normal on April 03, 2023, when the second phase of the "Soft-Opening" period is EXPECTED to start. We suggest the client should endorse DOO and re-file it via the e-filing system AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to retain the prior user rights. 

We will follow up on the related matter with the Myanmar IPD and inform you once available.